The existing sheerleg crane barge (SADAF 3000) is a crane barge suitably equipped with A-frame for offshore installations and marine works in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea area. The crane barge with four hooks each with 800tons capacity; the 2 outer tackles with lifting capacity of 1600 tons.
The project is to upgrade the lifting capacity of the crane to 3200 tons at a larger out-reach and a higher lifting height, by modifying the A Frame and also increasing the barge hull width. The upgrading fully in compliance with the applicable requirements of the classification society GL, IMO and other regulatory bodies and to obtain all applicable certificates.
- Client:
- Engineering-Contractor:
- Date of Award:
- Fabrication Location:
- Saff Rosemond
- 2011
- Bandar Abbas
- Design and engineering for upgrading the lifting capacity of the existing Crane Barge to 3200 tons and at an increased out-reach.